How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture corrects imbalances within the body by stimulating specific points with small needles. It essentially relieves pain, decreases inflammation and restores the body's own ability to maintain it's natural healthy state.
Does it hurt?
No. There can be a sensation of dull aching or heaviness near the acupuncture point, but my practiced and gentle technique achieves maximum results with minimal discomfort.
Do you accept insurance?
I provide Superbills to all clients whose insurance covers acupuncture services. These allow you to seek reimbursement from your provider directly -- saving us both time and money.
Can I use my flex spending or health savings accounts?
Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
Absolutely. Acupuncture is a 100% safe and natural way to support a healthy pregnancy.
What is your cancellation policy?
I have a strict 24 hour cancellation policy. Late cancellations and no shows will be charged for the full missed session, however, I do offer each client ONE get-out-of-jail-free card. This one-time-only forgiveness policy is useful because, let's face it, life happens. Just call or mail as soon as you can so I know you are ok!
Will Chinese herbs interact with my other medications?
Most likely, no. Very few herbs interact with prescription medications, but it is important to provide me with a complete, up-to-date list of the medications you are currently taking. I recommend checking with your medical doctor before starting any herbal regiment, and can provide a list of herbal ingredients upon request.
What are the side effects of acupuncture?
The most common side effects are an increased sense of euphoria, sleepiness, or sense of relaxation. Redness, itching or bruising at the site of insertion may occur.
How long until I feel a difference?
That really depends on both your body and how long you have been dealing with your specific health concerns. A general guideline: the longer you've had the condition, the longer it will take to resolve. This medicine is natural, subtle, and cumulative -- sessions should be scheduled regularly until the desired results are reached. Most people report feeling some improvement within the first few sessions.
Acupuncture corrects imbalances within the body by stimulating specific points with small needles. It essentially relieves pain, decreases inflammation and restores the body's own ability to maintain it's natural healthy state.
Does it hurt?
No. There can be a sensation of dull aching or heaviness near the acupuncture point, but my practiced and gentle technique achieves maximum results with minimal discomfort.
Do you accept insurance?
I provide Superbills to all clients whose insurance covers acupuncture services. These allow you to seek reimbursement from your provider directly -- saving us both time and money.
Can I use my flex spending or health savings accounts?
Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
Absolutely. Acupuncture is a 100% safe and natural way to support a healthy pregnancy.
What is your cancellation policy?
I have a strict 24 hour cancellation policy. Late cancellations and no shows will be charged for the full missed session, however, I do offer each client ONE get-out-of-jail-free card. This one-time-only forgiveness policy is useful because, let's face it, life happens. Just call or mail as soon as you can so I know you are ok!
Will Chinese herbs interact with my other medications?
Most likely, no. Very few herbs interact with prescription medications, but it is important to provide me with a complete, up-to-date list of the medications you are currently taking. I recommend checking with your medical doctor before starting any herbal regiment, and can provide a list of herbal ingredients upon request.
What are the side effects of acupuncture?
The most common side effects are an increased sense of euphoria, sleepiness, or sense of relaxation. Redness, itching or bruising at the site of insertion may occur.
How long until I feel a difference?
That really depends on both your body and how long you have been dealing with your specific health concerns. A general guideline: the longer you've had the condition, the longer it will take to resolve. This medicine is natural, subtle, and cumulative -- sessions should be scheduled regularly until the desired results are reached. Most people report feeling some improvement within the first few sessions.